1st floor 45 Ogunlana Drive Surulere, Lagos.


A business phone number provides more than a direct line to your company. It also demonstrates your local, national and international presence. Even if the vast majority of your customers are unlikely to call, the simple existence of a phone number presents a level of credibility that customers desire (Jeff Hale).

What is a business phone line/Smart number?

The Smart Number Service provides your business with easy-to-remember phone numbers made up of numbers and alphabets that uniquely identify the name of your business, product or service. This makes the numbers easy to recall increasing your business’s reachability among customers and prospects and as such increasing business opportunity. Having one will prove to your potential clients your company’s legitimacy, so more will be willing to do business with you. 

Some features of business phone lines includes:

Non-toll free 0700 numbers and Toll free 0800 numbers

Both non-toll free numbers and toll-free numbers, must consist of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 12 letters (alphabets) after the initial 0700 or 0800.

Call Recording

Call recording is your business’s ability to record a voice conversation over an audio source, cloud storage allows users to record every inbound and outbound call. Your business needs will determine the type of call recording solution that will work best. Variables include the calling method, the number of users, and whether they are in one location or multiple.

Welcome Message

Welcome Message gives a professional first impression when customers call your business number. Welcome greeting with custom audio, messaging or music. When someone calls your business line, you can have a custom greeting. You can set up a different greeting message when you are opened or closed.

Call Transfer

Call transfer is a great customer service tool because if an agent can’t help a customer, they can direct them quickly to someone who can. It enables you to transfer the caller to another staff or third party.

Call Monitoring

It is used to improve agent performance, provide training and guidance, and deliver consistent high-quality customer support experiences. With robust reporting and call details report accessible anytime. The aim is to enhance customer interactions by listening to calls.

Call Distribution

Automatically distribute calls among assigned agents. It improves call center functionality by guiding callers to the right agent on their first call-in. This capability improves customer interactions and balances agent workload.

Let’s explore and examine the benefits of a dedicated business phone line.

Brand Image

A good brand image can help a company establish credibility within its industry. You don’t want inconsistency when it comes to your customers or clients. You want to control what people think of your company, and to do this better, you need to offer consistency. If you have a dedicated line, then you know each connection is going to have the same level of quality.


Business owners can separate working hours from none working hour and manage call they do not wish to receive. A customer could call outside business hours, interrupting the day because you haven’t invested in a dedicated landline. Investing in one of these types of lines gives you back control. You nor your employees will have to worry about calls that come in after hours.

Operational Agility

Calls can be initiated/received via the smart number irrespective of physical location. With our business phone number service, you can work from anywhere. If you are at your office, but you need to leave to go somewhere, you can be rest assured you won’t miss any calls.


You can select the number that match your name and we’ll provide it for you.

CRM Integration

Corporate phone systems allow a business to integrate its CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with its phone system.  With this functionality, customer account information can pop up on the receiving party’s computer screen every time they call.

The bottom line

Omni Channel is pleased to inform you – the provision of our business class 0700 SMART NUMBER that will connect customers & co-workers for internal and external phone communication. VoIP with Omni Voice is the phone service of the now and the future, and it’s more reliable than ever. When you work with https://outsourcenigeria.com/  we provide new VoIP-enabled handsets for your entire office. If you prefer, we can also integrate your existing phones with our software solutions. You will be able to check voicemail from any phone or computer, anytime, and can listen to calls and call recordings in the cloud.