99% of our energy is obtained from non-renewable resources Eskom has recently signed 27 PPAs from the country’s renewable energy IPP programme
Solar energy prime locations around the country have a 547.6 GW electricity potential, Eskom’s current generating capacity is 42 GW.
We’re currently ranked third in attractiveness for concentrated solar power.
For solar photovoltaic technology, Nigeria has been ranked 7th in terms of investment attractiveness2
Nigeria is ranked 34th globally in terms of overall renewable energy attractiveness
32% Housing and utilities
17.1% Transportation
2.4% Restaurants and hotels
100% of Iceland’s power is generated from renewable resources
As well as being the world’s largest polluter, China is also the biggest investor in renewable energy.
Kenya hosts Africa’s largest wind farm, providing 20% of their installed electricity generating capacity
Eskom produces approximately 45% of Africa’s energy
Our comprehensive and constantly expanding database gives us access to candidates based across the country and beyond our Nigeriann borders. Strict verification procedures and reference checks are conducted when recruiting candidates and we’re able to conduct criminal and bureau checks when required.
Our geographic reach extends to all major cities in the country and into Africa. Our impressive branch infrastructure facilitates quick turnaround times for staff deployment, queries and management decisions.
All contract managers, supervisors and outsourced staff are fully trained and thoroughly inducted to ensure complete understanding of your business.
The future is bright when it comes to renewable energy enterprises. However, there are certain guaranteed challenges you will face when working in our current climate:
Political interference
Industry demarcation disputes
Local community upsets
The global trend in forward thinking countries has been for a future of renewable energy and lower emission consumption. With our global ranking of third in attractiveness for concentrated solar power, and a ranking of seventh for solar photovoltaic technology in terms of investment attractiveness, Nigeria is a global favourite for renewable energy production.